Kamis, 17 Desember 2009

Mini Lyrics For Karaoke

Acara berkaraoke di akhir pekan bareng teman dan rekan sejawat ataupun keluarga merupakan kegiatan yang mengasyikan, kita bisa berdendang, bernyanyi ria dan sekaligus menghilangkan penat setelah kita berkutat dengan pekerjaan kantor atau perkuliahan sepanjang waktu. Dan memang benar faktanya bahwa kita memang butuh hiburan untuk merefresh otak dan mood kita di tengah-tengah jadwal yang padat dan melelahkan (ciee sok sibuk lo ), berkaraoke ria bersama teman ataupun keluarga merupakan salah satu cara yang murah meriah dan tidak terlalu menyita waktu, tentu saja acara karaoke yang benar-benar karaoke bukan karaoke yang lain ...yang itu mah beda lagi bro

Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

Greenpeace Action in Opera House


Greenpeace is an enviromental organization founded in the global Vancouver,British Columbia, Canada in 1971.Greenpeace is known to use direct action of nonviolent confrontation peacefully in conducting a campaign to stop nuclear testing in space and underground, as well as campaigns to stop whaling a large scale.
In the next year the focus of the organization leads to other environmental issues, such as the use of trawl fishing, global warming, and genetic engineering.
Greenpeace has national and regional offices in 41 countries around the world, all of which are associated with the center of Greenpeace International in Amsterdam.
This global organization receives funding through direct contributions from individuals are estimated to reach 2.8 million financial supporters, and also by funds from charitable foundations, but does not accept funding from governments or corporations.